Jul 30, 2018
So often in life we try to control the outcome. Nature does not tend to work that way and will drop things into our path that are good...
Jul 23, 2018
It's the start of a new week, and the start of a new school term for the kids. Good time to take stock and reconnect with ourselves. We...
Jul 2, 2018
Remember to be thankful
As we make our way up through our belt system in martial arts, overcoming one challenge after another in our continuing quest to keep...
Jun 25, 2018
Nothing truly worth achieving ever comes easily. We have to sweat for it and put in time and great effort. Along the way, sacrifices need...
Jun 18, 2018
Stillness: be the lighthouse in the storm
In the face of incessant barrages of demands, pushy behaviour, bullying, anger, road rage and all other sources of stress, bring the mind...
Jun 11, 2018
No point in being someone else
Be yourself. From start to finish, just be yourself. There are going to be lots of pressures to fit in, to belong, to change yourself so...
May 21, 2018
It doesn't get easier; you just get better
The #challenges we face don't really change over time. They don't get easier. What only changes is our determination to tackle them and...
May 14, 2018
Knowing when
The techniques we learn in our Northstar Ju Jitsu martial arts system are extremely effective. They have been developed by Sensei Andrew...
Apr 9, 2018
Remember to celebrate success
Congratulations to all those who passed their grading recently. Remember to stop and enjoy this moment. Celebrate all your #successes, no...
Apr 4, 2018
Aim big
Your #success is proportional to your #vision. If you aim to be a green belt, then that's where your peak will be. And if you want to be...