Apr 4, 2018
Aim big
Your #success is proportional to your #vision. If you aim to be a green belt, then that's where your peak will be. And if you want to be...
Mar 19, 2018
Being bored (and why it's a good thing)
(Credit to Sensei Andrew Dickinson from Northstar Martial Arts for this week's mat chat.) In any #exercise, whether it is martial arts,...
Mar 5, 2018
Go the extra mile; it's less crowded
For every hit, there are 1,000 misses. Maybe not literally 1,000; depending on what you're aiming for, it may be far more, or it may be...
Feb 26, 2018
Respecting ourselves by respecting others
The dojo is a place that fosters respect in every interaction – between instructor and student, between students themselves, and between...
Feb 19, 2018
Pausing before responding
On the mats, we learn to create a gap in the hold of an attacker to give ourselves an opportunity to escape. Whether it's a white belt...
Feb 12, 2018
Awareness of others
This week: AWARENESS OF OTHERS The times that we live in are pushing us to be increasingly selfish. We are assaulted by pressure to meet...
Feb 5, 2018
Bouncing back from adversity
There has been a shift in recent years where parents have been encouraged to heap more and more praise on their children's...